
Power division

We are importers and distributors of materials, equipment for power and distribution transformers, medium and low voltage equipment, cables and accessories.


With direct or capillary bulb for oil temperature measurement, for windings with or without remote outputs (PT-100, 4-20mA).

De-energized tap changers

From 15 up to 115 kV and from 60 up to 1600 A, 2 to 9 positions, bridge type, fixed point, selectors series - parallel and Star-Delta.
Serie 36KV 200A
SERIES 15-115kV, de 2 a 7 posiciones, desde 30 hasta 1600 Amperios
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Conmu003
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Conmutador sin carga

Porcelain insulators

We have the capacity to provide capacitive type bushings up to 230 kV, bushings, dry under DIN and ANSI standard, as well as only the porcelain in the case of repairs or maintenance on site.
 Aisladores bajo normas DIN
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Serie 1,2 kV roscados
 Serie 15 kV
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Serie 36 kV roscados
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Serie 52 KV

Epoxy resin insulators to BT and MT

For use in control panels, protection panels and dry-type transformers.

Oil Level Indicators

Indicador de nivel
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Indicador de nivel axial
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Indicadores de nivel radial

Terminal boxes (from one to 4 terminals) and boxes for landings

 Caja de bornes

Conventional and maintenance free Dehydrating Breathers

Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Desecador de aire
Desecador de aire
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Desecador de aire

Pressure relief devices

Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Alivio de presion
Alivio de presion
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Dispositivo alivio presion
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Alivio de presion

Mechanical or digital tap position indicators

Indicador de posicion mecanico

Buchholz relays and Sudden Pressure Relays

Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Relé
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Relé de acumulación de gas
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Relé de acumulacion de gases
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Reles de acumulacion
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Relé acumulacion gases

Communication systems (Gateways, switches, Bridges)


Polymer Wheels

Orientable bracket and brake, capacity from 2.5 tons, Diameters 4, 5 and 6, compliance with DIN EN 50216-4.
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Ruedas polimericas

Temperature Monitors

For dry-type transformers and oil inmersed.
Monitores de temperatura

Impact indicators and recorders

Ideal for use during transportation and / or storage of fragile materials, calibrated, sensitive equipment or high cost equipment.
Indicadores y registradores de impacto

Transformer fans

Axial type (for oil insulated transformer) and radial type (for dry type transformers).

Transformers Valves

For oil draining, filling, sampling, radiators, Buchholz, etc.

Insulating materials

Power & Lighting Systems SAS - potencia-NOMEX-NMN-NHN
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Papel-Creppe
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Papel-kraft
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Presspan
Power & Lighting Systems SAS - Consultoria

Technical support

We have specialists in erection and supervision of transformers of any power and voltage series.

Supply of spare parts, installation and troubleshooting issues related with OLTCs, voltage regulators, remote position signals, DETCs (no load), gas monitors, temperature, monitoring systems and any variable related to the operation of the transformers.

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